
Saturday, October 31, 2009

I've always been skinny...?

I'm almost 34 and I've never weighed more than 160 lbs...i'm 5'11" and I want to gain weight, I've tried everthing from shakes to fatty foods, nothing seems to work. any advice?
Its in your genes which you inherited.You cannot change that.Since you have inherited genes of thin and skinny frame either from your parents or grandparents,however hard you try you can never accumulate enough fat on your frame.And by the way, why are you so bothered about being skinny.Do you know how many people around the world are trying to get skinny.Why? because skinny people are at less risk of contracting disease like,Heart attack,Diabetic,High BP and a plethora of others.In case you are otherwise physically fit apart from cosmetic value,you must congratulate your self for being skinny.Skinny and lean people also age very slowly.You will maintain your looks when your buddies would look old.So be happy about the way you are.
Buddy up with a fat friend and go halfsies on a fat transplant surgery.
most of us have the exact opposite problem. be happy with how you are. unless you are working out like crazy, you will just be adding fat weight, which isn't healthy for you.
I was the same way until I started keeping track of what I was eating and got my daily calories up to 5000 a day where I ate most of my carbs in the morning and more protein rich food later in the day.....managed to put some good weight on too
Skinny... fat foods are not the answer. Using your head is, eat healthy and enjoy good health at your natural weight.
How about would be gaining weight and bulking up. It would be a healthier way to gain weight than to always be eating fatty, greasy foods.
be glad you are trim
everyones metabolism is different. you may not like being skinny but if u are healthy thats just how your body is. some people dont like the way they are because they are stuck with what they were given. some people would cut off their own limbs to have what you have, but you hate it. the point is be thankful for what you are given in life. dont eat yourself into a sugar shock. as long as you eat healthy, exercise daily, and keep your mind and body strong, the rest is just your body taking its course, good luck! :]
The simple answer is: it's all about calories. To gain weight you have to consume more calories than you burn. Ideally, of course, you want these to be good quality calories (in other words not all fat). Try keeping a diary for a week or so in which you record EVERYTHING you eat as well as how much you exercise. Find out how many calories you're consuming each day, how many grams of protein, carbohydrates and fat, and how long and how intensely you're exercising. Then you'll know your baseline. You can start adding additional calories to your daily diet. Most recommend adding about 500 additional calories per day. It takes 3500 calories to gain an additional pound of body weight.Also you should eat 6-8 small meals a day, rather than 2 or 3 bigger ones.Hope this helps.

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