
Saturday, October 31, 2009

Iv been working out every night for a month,and im no bigger,why?i work out hard?

Don't work out every night-- work out 3x a week so you get time to recuperate and for the body to repair any damage that could be done.
I'm assuming as in "bigger" you mean you are trying to put on muscle.You are working out too much. Your muscles actually grow when you are resting. You need at least 1 day off when you work a specific body part. For example, if you do an arms workout on monday, then don't do arms on tuesday. Working out 3-4 (maybe 5) times a week is enough. Also, don't forget cardio! It's important to your overall health.Also, it depends on how you are working out. If you are doing heavy weights, then do 3-4 sets of 10-15 reps. Always wait one minute inbetween each set for your muscles to repair and grow. That is very important. If you are doing lower weights but high reptitions (25 or so), then you are working muscle endurance and not actually building muscle. You will be toning. So you'll want to do high weights and lower reps if you are looking to build muscle and get bigger.Furthermore, diet is also important. Ensure you are eating enough protien to help you muscles repair and grow. Eating chicken, fish or lean ground beef after a workout will help.

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