
Sunday, October 25, 2009

Is walking better for you then running?

I think all exercise is good, and I can't run, so I walk at a fast pace!
both are great depends what u like more
less harsh on the joints and bouncing boobs
**ANY exericse you do is going to improve your healthIf you can't run, then walk.
If you can run, then run.Honestly, running will burn more calories in an hour. However, walking can be easier on your knees and easier to feel motivated.Remember: walk before you can jog, and job before you can run.
Yes because walking doesn't put stress on your joints like running does.
running burns more calories but walking is better for your joints and muscles,- at a young age its ok to run 4 or five times a weak- but not too much or you will feel the effects when you get older
if you haven鈥檛 ran for a while, you should start off my a slow jog, and condition yourself into long runs. but running is better that walking to lose weight and for health.
Running is good when I'm in a hurry. Walking is good when I'm not.
It depends. Running is better for your cardio-vascular system, but can be bad on your knees and hips if the running surface is hard or if your shoes are fitting properly. Find the right running surface -- dirt rather than pavement, wood rather than cement -- and get some good shoes. But, there are still some good benefits to walking too, but you need to walk longer and more often.
It depends on how you look at it. Running will burn more calories quicker. However, a lot of runners have joint problems, especially in the knees and have to restort to walking (my uncle is one of them). Google "running versus walking" and see what you can find.
Ask your knees? If you can run, that is best. But if it hurts your joints, then walk. In my case, I am lucky to crawl, but I still get there.
I will start with the walk and gradually I'll run .
Walking puts less stress on your body and easier to do than running. Both are going to burn calories and help build up your lungs and heart. Walking allows you also to take in more of your surrounding and makes it a more pleasant activity. Plus you can walk in more areas than you could run. If your walking slow, walk further, jogging less etc. If in time if walking becomes too easy or boring, or dosn't fulfill your expectations then you could begin to jog and finally run.
Well it depends. If you run, it keeps your pulse up. If you walk, you would have to walk double of what you would run. It also puts less stress as to running. So overall, its pretty much equal.
I personally prefer walking. Seems to work for me. I find it more relaxing and enjoyable than jogging. It might be the personal preference though. Jogging increses your aerobic rate. Walking also has benefits to offer. your jogging or walking, whatever you choose.
Make sure you read some articles, evaluate benefits, know the safety procedures for beginners, before you start your exercise program.

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