
Tuesday, May 25, 2010

Lately I've little appetite and a "sour" stomach. What could the cause be?

Just when I decided to go to a nutritionist, my stomach seems to have turned against me. Now when I have to keep a food log, my appetite is way down, stomach often hurts, lots of gas all the time, poor sleep. What causes this?. I was perfectly fine a week ago and am not seriously ill even now, just really unhappy with my digestion. Most meals are not new to me - bowl of cereal in the AM, coffee, roll.
Sandwich at lunch and some frozen or easy to cook meal for dinner.
I still like sweets a little too much, and ice cream if it is not cold in the house. (does cold give you a bad stomach). I take the same pills as before, but now have a sour tasting, dry mouth.
Probably will go to the doctor soon, but I don't want to rush it.
Any ideas for me prior to getting to a doctor? Should I fast maybe or take something over the counter like Pepto Bismol?Thanks
I think you should see the doctor and let him be the judge, it could be anything. my husband just got over a bacterial infection that was going around and it gave him an upset stomach and little appetite. also, about 3 years ago he had stomach pain every time he ate or drank anything and no appetite and the doctor told him that was a bacterial infection but it turned out to be his gall bladder. i would see a doctor if i were you, soon.
Check your Apendix!
Hmm... sounds like acide refulx. Try taking some Pepcid.
Possibly acid reflux....Try taking TUMS......

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