
Saturday, October 31, 2009

Juicers; Will you get the same nutrition from a juicer as eating the fruit whole? Will you lose the fiber?

Will you lose the fiber by juicing?I would like to buy JACK LALANNE'S POWER JUICER, but don't want to if I'm going to sacrifice nutrician. Anybody know anything about this?
I would just eat the fruit, juicers separate the solids from the juice. Like if you want carrot juice, you probably need 5 lbs of carrots to get a glass of juice.And not only that, you have to clean the damn thing after every use.Remember a long time ago, Everyone bought food processors....They are never used by the people who bought them, cause it took far longer to clean them than to just cut up the stuff by hand.Eat fruit, %26 veggies, Buy juice for drinking, Don't buy the machine.
You will get the benefit of fruit but you will lose the fibre. And remember there is alot of natural sugar in fruit so dont overdo the juice.
Always juice with the skins still on the fruit whenever possible. You get a ton of added nutrients that way!
Yes, you do lose a lot of teh fiber and go through a hell of a lot of produce to get that juice, but it is good for you...
Try Clown Juice.
one person recommended to leave the skin on the fruit and veggies. DO NOT EVER FOLLOW THIS ADVICE!
Nowerdays, any type of fruit, even organic fruit should be pealed before use. There are so many bad things on them, even after washing them extensively.

1 comment:

  1. Great thoughts you got there, believe I may possibly try just some of it throughout my daily life.

    Fruit Juicers


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