Breakfast- 2 pieces white toast, butter(lowfat),milk(skim)
Lunch-peanut butter sandwich, individual bag of cheetos,grapes,carrots,diet coke
Dinner-breaded/baked chicken, whole wheat pasta, spaghetti sauce,milk,and wheat toast.
*hostes cupcake!I also ran 1 1/2 mile too
This is an okay diet but you could definitely improve it. The best change I made to my diet and would definitely recommend is to have your biggest meal for breakfast and reduce your meals as you go along; large breakfast, medium lunch, small dinner. You also need to drink a looooot more water, at least 2 litres a day. But remember that this means that if you have soup for lunch it goes toward you water intake, you don鈥檛 have to drink a 2l bottle of water a day straight up. Also if your drinking coke it is making you even more dehydrated so try to replace it which juice. Definitely try to increase your intake of fruit and veg, you should be eating at least five portions a day. The majority of your diet is carb based try to switch to a more fruit and veg based diet.Stick whith the whole wheat foods and the milk and slowly introduce other components into your diet, this way you are more likely to stick to these changes.
Yes, pretty healthy.
I think so good job whoo!!
but for me its a little to much good luck on the runing part.
Replace white toast to whole wheat. No Cheetos. No diet coke. Replace breaded chicken to baked/grilled.
Yes, as long as you don't have those food in excessive servings.
i thinks thas healthy, i'm not sure it really is but it sounds good pst~
plz answer my question! ^_^
It is not bad but why would you eat white toast at breakfast and use wheat at supper? Drop the white bread altogether and drink something besides soda at lunch. The thing that this is lacking is a good high protein snack between meals to keep your blood sugar more stable.
Wow thats a great diet but try more vegies like lettuce, tomatos, or even crrot jucie at night!You must be a very fit person!! I admire your perserverance to stay in shape.
Well, all i can say, is that you need to eat a lil more at Breakfast. Other than that, you're as healthy as....a WMBA b-ball player =]
could be
NO! Most of what you are eating is not healthy for you.
First, you should have a high protein breakfast... Try a slice of whole wheat toast with smart balance peanut butter on it. Whole wheat pasta is great for you. You need to address the bad things you are eating like the cheetos and hostes cupcakes.. The have hydrogenated oils in them that clog up your arteries. Also DIET ANYTHING is bad for you.. dont buy low sugar/no sugar stuff it as artifical junk sugars in them and they are KILLING people.. Do a search on this stuff and you will be amazed what this stuff can do to your body.. IT IS DEADLY!!! RUN FROM IT!! I have two great sites for good diets and excerise and they are free... Try.. and look for the YOU ON A DIET WEBSITE AT REALAGE.COM These are healthy places..
That depends on your goal. Are you trying to loose weight or build muscle, I don't know. However, I do know that cheetos are the WORST thing your eating. Try the baked cheetos if you MUST have them. Diet Coke, sounds good for you but it actually makes you crave sugar and is just as addictive. If your watching your carbs all that bread is not good. Anything white, like the white bread is not good for you. Butter is fattening, use fake butter. Breaded chicken is worse than baked. Oh, and do I have to say anything about the cupcake?It is better for you to walk one mile than run for a half mile. I know it says 1 and a half but apply it.
Cheetoes, Coke and Cupcake and people say that is "wow, healthy?" Man what crap are you all eating if that is healthy?
Could be waaaaaaay worse! :-)
If you're happy with it, then it's "healthy enough" by your standards.If you want to be truly healthy, lose anything that's overly processed and/or made with white flour (i.e. the white bread, the hostess cupcake, the breaded chicken; the cheetos and diet coke!) Even "wheat bread" is not always necessarily "healthy" - check the label to see that it actually contains "whole wheat flour" (which is less processed and NOT the same as "wheat flour").Stuff like cheetos, Hostess cupcakes, white bread and soda are highly processed and made up of more artificially derived ingredients than you can pronounce. Aside from those items your diet seems quite healthy.Sticking to a regular exercise regimen is always a good thing! Keep it up.
Ditch the cupcake and the milk. Farmers give cows hormones to produce more milk to make more money, and those hormones go into your milk. It can lead to asthma and obesity with its fat content. Change it to soy milk or something.
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